Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Truth. Everyone is talking about it, redefining it like a few foolish people sit trying to redefine marriage.

Truth is not the whim of some person's imagination. It's not popular throught, it's not a societal determination, most of the time truth is anything but popular. Truth is not the dictionary meaning which now allows one to determine thier own. It's not an "accepted" concept of reality, in fact it's usually very far from reality since reality has become one's interpretation of life situations.

If truth is not any of these things, then what is it? What is this thing that more people than should, say they possess? Truth is what changes people, times, concepts and reality. Truth is what is spoken by those not seeking to be popular, the ones seeking to be real. Truth is something that irreguardless of who it may offend, is. It's more than fact, yet it is not opinion. It's above laws, above leadership, and rank. Truth is what everyone, whether they know it or not, seek to find. Truth is not determined by questioning, like in a trial, for some times the truth is never found.

Truth is the determining and driving force for many laws we have. A person should not commit murder. Why? What reason os there for it? The truth of murder is that it is WRONG! There's no debate here, no question. If someone were to actually believe that it's okay to murder, they would have to be insane. Why do I say this? If a person said there's nothing wrong with murder, I guarantee you they would change thier mind as soon as it's them in the victim's role.

Truth determins what really is. Truth is undeniable. Many will reject truth and think then that something must not be true because they can "deny" whatever it is they are rejecting, but this just isn't so. Just like murder being wrong, many can reject the truth of it, but it doens't mean it's not true. Many can try to lie and thus "distort" the truth, but really what they are doing is distorting our view of the truth, not truth itself. truth will remain what it is...truth.

I may write more on this later. Please, if you are interested, leave a comment below. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Switching Directions in 3D

Well, it looks like we will be going with another software. What I'm talking about is Softimage as become more and more aggrivating in support and tutorials. I have to reload the system software on my animation computer. The last time I had to do this, I had a heck of a time getting the software loaded again.
I was looking at Maya for a bit, but where we were going to get it from has fallen through. Oh well, what are you gonna do? I'm looking at Animation Master. I could even run it from a laptop! We'll see what happens. This needs to be a good business decision. For only $299.00, it's not much of a risk.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Missing Valerie

We were foster parents a while back. We had this very tough and manipulative foster daughter who grew into our hearts. We loved her soo much. She had stayed in our home longer than in any other home she had been in. She was really doing well and growing substantially, becoming more and more mature. Then we got the call. The agency wanted to meet with us. That's when we found out that they were going to send her to a group home. We were crushed. We begged them to change their minds and let her stay with us, but they wouldn't. So, she went.
The transition was harsh. The other girls at this group home were hardened, tough criminal like personalities that were nothing like our daughter. We spent many a night worrying and praying for deliverance. The nightmare grew. The longer she was there, the worse it got. There was even a time when one of the other girls had urinated all over her bed to "get back" at our daughter for some reason. Another time we received a call from her, she was crying. She explained that she feared for her safety. Several of the other girls had threatened her. It was becoming more and more unbearable. Is this what these foolish people thought would help? Is this "the best" for any child? Does the "state" really know what's best for the children in it, or is there a better choice?
I know this, so-called "home" turned a grateful, loving, and growing beautiful young girl into a thieving, kiniving, angry teen that was close to out of control. This poor creature was the victim of a couple of people who sought not the counsel of others, but relied on the arrogant, self-fulfilling, foolish so-called wisdom that is grounded deep in worldly philosophy and financial gain. What a waste of a life. I hold those who sent her to this place responsible for the outcome. After a time of her being in this place she was unapproachable. We, with tears in our eyes, had to leave her there on her own, we had lost her.
We miss her something fierce and hope she is okay. We think about her and pray for her regularly. She comes to my mind and I pray for her when I feel prompted to, knowing that God is taking care of her somewhere out there. If you get the inkling, pray for Valerie.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Aftermath....

A Conservative's Reaction to the Massachusetts court decision to issue same-sex marriage licenses....

In a force of calamity, need I wax rhapsodic, I find myself questioning the very nature of the judicial branch of this government. When the majority and law, dictated by that majority, no longer is valid or considered as viable for dictation of law, there is a great and frightening catastrophe ready to befall us. The very ideals and forced rhetoric that was the reason for our eventual rebellion and establishment of this country, now seems to be the very forces at work to re-establish that monarchy that so long ago was denied it's force here. What do we do? Is another great civil war on it's way? This time not fought on the field of battle, but with words and ideas? What will be the outcome, what will be the final charge and who will be doing the charging? Even those that sit in foolish caplacent silence will be roused in fury for or against what transpires in this great war. A war that has been on for quite some time. This war of transparent camaflouge that sits in front of a nation that does not, or matbe refuses to, see nor acknowledge it. Well, the time has come, as in any war that we see taking place "somewhere else" in the world and find it's way to our shores, a great awakening is taking place all over. Bewildered people desperately ask, "how did this happen?", "Why was I not told about this?", or foolishly look on with stunned disbelief wondering what it is they are supposed to do now. I and many others look at those in awe and ask, "How could you not see this coming? How could you sit there in stunned disbelief at something you simply have time and time again turned the channel or lowered the volume not to see. How many times have you taken for granted that 'someone' will do something about it. How many times have you thought, 'Well, as long as it doesn't happen here.'" Now with the very horror you refused to see, the very acts you refused to take action against, the very freedoms you fought for, and other died for, and continue to fight and die for, crumble at your feet, you now weep in your ingorance dispelled by the reality of what is happening. Pardon me for being so blunt, but where have you been for the last few decades!?