Tuesday, May 24, 2005

From My Phone

I can now send short entries from my phone to the blog. Cool huh?


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com

Friday, May 20, 2005

Friday Rantings

I don't know if I ever told you before that I'm considered one of the biggest problems today's society has. Let me explain.

I am a white, male, Christian conservative, which in most parts of the country I might as well have a target painted on my back! LOL!

I'm for traditional values, watch out for my children, monitor my kids friends, school, television watching, play, language and take an active role in teaching them about the world, how to grow up with a Biblically based morality. I teach them the "real" history of our country that consists of Christian values and show them how far America has departed from those values and how we, as citizens, Americans, Christians, and humans not only have the right, but the responsibility to make a difference and speak up against the departure.

November is not just any month, it's decision time and those who don't utilize the vote, I believe, have no place to complain and moan about how the country isn't going in the direction they want it to go in.

I believe we have activist judges that not only go against the majority of the public's beliefs and values, but are arrogant enough to state that the country needs to believe and adopt thier policies, beliefs and value system.

I believe that the term "tolerance" actually means "anyone but Christians", and this has been proven over and over.

I am patient and kind to all those around me, even those who don't hold the same values, beliefs and convictions that I do, yet those same people I am so patient with are the same ones who would stab me in the back at thier first opportunity, and have done so.

I believe the Bible is the one true source of ethical principals on which our laws, Constitution, Declaration of Independance and all those who signed these believed and cherished.

I believe that there is a movement to completely remove any and all moral and ethical absolutes from society worldwide in order to justify what people know is inappropriate and wrong behaviour.

I believe that abortion is the killing of innocent life in the name of convienience, just as the Babalonians did. It's wrong and no one can prove to me it isn't. The term "fetus" is yet another way people attempt to distance them selves from taking responsibility for what they
know they are really doing.

Terry Schivo would have lived a long time and prospered, would have been supported by the liberal media and politicians if she would have been in prison, on death row! Like abortion, Terry was the victim of societies belief that convinience is more valued than life. Legalized killing of a spouse has now been demonstrated and justified by the national media.

I fear that soon, like several other countries, the Bible will become "hate speech" here in America, because people will no longer, just like now, be able to "tolerate" the truth being told to them or anyone else for that matter.

I pray for our future, our country, our children and our future as a free people. It concerns me that my children have to defend themselves against thier schools, teachers, curriculum, school books, recommended reading lists from the Department of Education and more! It hurts me to know that these underpaid, morally inepts individuals are in charge of teaching the next generation of politicials and leaders. And yes, I did mean those are seperate. There is a difference you know.

Why is a promise no longer a promise? Why can't poeple in leadership, friendships, politics and parental roles actually say what they mean and mean what they say? Why is promiscuity so easily accepted and abstinment looked at as weak and foolish. I see them as the other way around! It takes only a minute or so to loose one's virginity, but it takes a real man or woman to say "no" and mean it! It takes a minute or so to lose it, but you can wait a lifetime and never get it back!

Why is spanking considered abuse by most people, while these same people complain about the "out of control" children running all over the place? Why has society gotten to the point where the difference between discipline and abuse no longer is clear? Why can't people say the word "punishment" without cringing? Why is a child's comfort more important than thier responsibility to themselves, others, property, etc.? Why is respect for authority something that no only is not taught, but discouraged in schools? Why are stupid people put into positions of authority in schools? Sorry, just had to ask.

I feel that if a school has to have thirty (30) pages of rules, something is wrong with the individuals in charge of the school. If a student is considered tardy if they are not "ready" for class, and every teacher can define "ready" as they like, why are people suprised when thier children don't seem to be doing well in school? I think it's a cop out and is teaching our kids to make it up as they go when something as simply as "ready for class" isn't defined in clear terminology in a book of foolish rules.

Well, I think I've gotten that out of my system for the time being. Have a great weekend everyone who reads this! rant at ya later! LOL!