Thursday, July 30, 2009


You know I don't have anything specifically against Texas, I just have definite feelings on what I have observed here. You see, I'm an outsider looking into what I can see as almost a foreign land. This is not just a weather thing, it's a cultural thing as well.

The whole vibe here is much more "California-like" than any other state I have been in. It's a fast-paced, get out of my way attitude state that people are in a hurry to get somewhere, wherever it is they are going, no matter what time it is. Why are people in such a hurry? And the driving.......oh dear!

People drive like they are the only ones on the road. Its insane!! No wonder these people have caused so many problems when a bunch of them moved to the Springs. Good night! It's like a bunch of senior citizens ignoring the fact that they are on the road with the entire population of New York!!

Every time we have to go from work to the hotel, or vice-versa, I fear for my life! LOL!

Then we have the "scenery" least what there is to it. Flat in all directions. Hot as the miserable time of Summer in California, only with 200% humidity on top of that! I mean at 10:30pm the other night it was storming, raining in sheets, lightning and thunder, and close to 90 degrees! How miserable is that?! Thank you Lord for giving us air-conditioning!!

Well, I am feeling better than when I first arrived here. This is a good thing. I'm still not sleeping the best, I will have to figure something out for that. But overall I am doing better.

Hopefully soon I will be able to get to work on the graphics. I have been here for several days already and have had nothing to do for most of that time. Boooooring! I found out once I got here that they had sent me out here too early. Probably a week too early. But oh well, they are paying me to sit on my haunches and do nothing.

"Worked" a whole day yesterday. I do use the term loosely. "Worked" I mean. I really accomplished very little. Thus why I am writing this as I sit waiting for the morning meeting that is close to an hour away. What to do, what to do.

Oh well. Have a nice day and I will try also.

Where ever you go, there you are. At least think you are....What would I know about it, I'm not you!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


There are times when one can have a view, a glimpse into another person's life. Given that perspective we can have many different reactions.

One reaction can be disgust with the person, depending on what perspective we are given. Another could be sorry at the endurance that the person must bear. Another could be compassion for the person whose life we glimpse that small view of, even if for just one moment. In all of these, the one thing in common is that we have learned. We have seen life from a perspective that is not usually our own.

Of course there is one other possible scenario in all of this, and it is perhaps the most sad one of all. This is when we sit in utter despair for ourselves. So consumed with our own "suffering" about what is not "normal" to us, we miss our time to glean a bit of knowledge on how someone else does it, how someone else copes, how well we have it when things are, in what we ourselves define as "normal".

I've had this experience many times in life and I will say that I have been in on each of these roads, yes, even the last sad one.

Of course of late I have had the unusual experience of being the object of the perspective. I've been the one whose life is being looked at, at least one aspect of it. And I ma sad to report that the person who had the insight into a struggle which haunts me daily, at this point in time, is moving down the road of the last.

You see what they are experiencing is something that will not last, and if things get really hard for them, they can get out. But what many tend not to think of or consider is the fact that the person that must continue in this struggle, like me, has no hope of every switching medicines, getting the right pair of glasses, or what ever other solution may present itself to those just visiting my struggle for a time. Instead of appreciating the struggle that we must fight through every day, they blindly and as quickly as they can, move back to that place where they are comfortable. They leave behind the opportunity to place value on the struggle. Instead it becomes an annoyance and "burden" for them that I, or we as the case may be, continue to struggle with it.

But ultimately, what can I do? What can I, as the object of the "study" do? Well, I can learn and make sure that I don't retrace the steps of the person who refused to learn.

Appreciate the struggles of others, even when you may see them as silly, weak, or otherwise. Remember, at one point in your life, you most likely struggled with the very thing that has become, or has been for a long while the thorn in the flesh of the person you are "tolerating.