Friday, October 03, 2008


Well folks, it's been decided. Today starts the end of my so-called career at CGi and begins the search for other employment. If it's not one thing, it's three others.

My paycheck was supposed to come yesterday, but I was giving it to today in order for the mail to deliver something late. No go...not there. This has happened before.

I was told that I am one of the 5% of my company that chooses to recieve a "physical check" instead of a direct deposit. Why, I know you're wanting to ask, would I want to do that? It's so much easier to do a direct deposit, it' simple and reliable. You know, I did have direct deposit for over a year with this company. Then through a series of errors, mess ups and chaos we ended up losing an entire paycheck to the bank. Unfortunately these were not OUR mess ups, errors and we were not the authors of the chaos....that I owe to my beloved company and EX-bank. Or I should say bankS. Anyway, it's a long story and to get to the point of it, we decided that we could not afford to have the direct deposit because it was costing us just way too much. I know, you're saying that was an isolated event and doesn't justify the refusal to have direct deposit.....well I simply didn't metion the additional $1200 that the bank ended up, in my opionon, stealing from our account to cover some "supposed" fees, balances and fines that came about from the previous actions and general idiocy of the affor metioned banks.

So now we have our second journey in the adventure of not having the check come when it is supposed to come. Big surprise, no, not really. Why? Well it happened before and according to my company's fictitious policy that they enacted to cover thier own butt and cause enough pain for anyone without direct deposit to want it again, they will do nothing about late checks for eight to ten days AFTER the chek was to be delivered. Yep, they make me wait. It's thier problem, it's thier fault and I get to wait. Did I finally get a check from them, yes. Did I EVERY recieve the original check, NO!!

So here we go again. Unfortunately in the corporate world a person in my position isn't worth anything at all. I am what most corporate executive would call "a dime a dozen".....even though I know of only one other person in the entire comapny that has something close to the capabilities I have. ONE! Yet I am not worth anything to them because I am not doing what they would "prefer" me to do! Is there some rule that says I HAVE to do it - No! Seems to me based on the evidence they are trying to FORCE me to do it, just so I can recieve the pay that I have worked for on time.

I tell you, I am so tired of the nazi-like attitude of the corporation, it makes me sick!

So, I am now out there, beating the street.....well the internet, looking for a new job. I hope I can find one soon. And hopefully we will still have a car come Tuesday morning. .

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sick of being sick....

Texting and email can be wonderful and accurate tools for tracking and communicating information. They can also be the worst communication tool in the world when applied to important and emotional communication.

I know, I keep using that word....communication. But really that's what email, texting, videos and music really comes down to, right? No one, except for those blasted spammers out there, send any information, whichever way they choose to disseminate it, for no reason. They are trying to communicate. These people are trying to relay information from one place to another.

Now,, unfortunately many, many people out there misconstrue email and texting for an effective tool to be used to communicate information that should only be delivered in person or over the phone. Why? Let's try using Mr. Brain for a change and think before we react, shall we?

I have some news that I know is going to cause an emotional reaction and have a profound impact on the realtionship I have with Mr. X. Now what I should do is pick up my phone and call Mr. X and realy the information in as delacately a fashion as I can listening to the tones of his voice and making sure he understands that what I am saying doesnt need to impact our relationship in any way. But no, what I do is break out the microscopic keyboard on my phone and type with my thumbs a short and sweet message to Mr. X outlining the facts of the situation. I mean no malice on my part, I am simply trying to relay the information. Now I send the message and I wait. Hmmm, this is taking a long time, why hasn't he responded back, what is he thinking? And thus the thinking starts on my end about the situation, playing scenarios of doom in my head so that when his response comes back it hits me like a ton of bricks!

His response is: "Thank you for telling me that.".......that's it? That's all? I see what's happening, he's judging me, he's rejecting me, he doesn't like me anymore.

On the other end of the message Mr. X sits in stunned silence mulling over what this may mean to our realtionship and hopes that it will not adversely effect it. He didn't know how to respond so he responded in as generic a way as he could. He has a lot of emotional baggage he has to wade through and this news has caused a lot of the negative past to rise to show it's ugly head.

Meanwhile I am fuming and feeling guilty so I send another message: "So, I guess this means you're done with me?!" Mr. X responds in kind and we go back and forth....soon there is nothing left but scars that can't be healed and the end of a realtionship, all because I couldn't get off my lazy ass and use my voice for a friggin' change!

I know, you're thinking this is silly, this is stupid, no one would ever do that!

Wise up and start smelling what your shovelling. This has not only happened, it happens every day! Relationships end, fights start, misinterpretations run rampant, and we still insist on using text and email as a viable way to communicate emotion. What a farce!

You may be thinking, well obviously you don't have that problem being so articulate like you have been in this article. You seem to have relayed the emotional state you're in pretty well. May be, but you will notice that it has taken me a few more letters than the traditional 160 that you get for the way, that 160 includes spaces....

Take it from a person who has witnessed this first hand one too many times of late. Use your voice, not your thumbs when communicating important or emotional information. If you're asking what someone is up to, that's pretty safe. If you're telling them that they are no longer going to be hanging out with them, get some balls and use your voice!

Have a nice day! :)