Friday, October 03, 2008


Well folks, it's been decided. Today starts the end of my so-called career at CGi and begins the search for other employment. If it's not one thing, it's three others.

My paycheck was supposed to come yesterday, but I was giving it to today in order for the mail to deliver something late. No go...not there. This has happened before.

I was told that I am one of the 5% of my company that chooses to recieve a "physical check" instead of a direct deposit. Why, I know you're wanting to ask, would I want to do that? It's so much easier to do a direct deposit, it' simple and reliable. You know, I did have direct deposit for over a year with this company. Then through a series of errors, mess ups and chaos we ended up losing an entire paycheck to the bank. Unfortunately these were not OUR mess ups, errors and we were not the authors of the chaos....that I owe to my beloved company and EX-bank. Or I should say bankS. Anyway, it's a long story and to get to the point of it, we decided that we could not afford to have the direct deposit because it was costing us just way too much. I know, you're saying that was an isolated event and doesn't justify the refusal to have direct deposit.....well I simply didn't metion the additional $1200 that the bank ended up, in my opionon, stealing from our account to cover some "supposed" fees, balances and fines that came about from the previous actions and general idiocy of the affor metioned banks.

So now we have our second journey in the adventure of not having the check come when it is supposed to come. Big surprise, no, not really. Why? Well it happened before and according to my company's fictitious policy that they enacted to cover thier own butt and cause enough pain for anyone without direct deposit to want it again, they will do nothing about late checks for eight to ten days AFTER the chek was to be delivered. Yep, they make me wait. It's thier problem, it's thier fault and I get to wait. Did I finally get a check from them, yes. Did I EVERY recieve the original check, NO!!

So here we go again. Unfortunately in the corporate world a person in my position isn't worth anything at all. I am what most corporate executive would call "a dime a dozen".....even though I know of only one other person in the entire comapny that has something close to the capabilities I have. ONE! Yet I am not worth anything to them because I am not doing what they would "prefer" me to do! Is there some rule that says I HAVE to do it - No! Seems to me based on the evidence they are trying to FORCE me to do it, just so I can recieve the pay that I have worked for on time.

I tell you, I am so tired of the nazi-like attitude of the corporation, it makes me sick!

So, I am now out there, beating the street.....well the internet, looking for a new job. I hope I can find one soon. And hopefully we will still have a car come Tuesday morning. .

Have a great day!

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