Monday, March 14, 2005


Do you ever get a feeling that your heart is being tugged on by God, but you have no idea what it is He wants you to do, think about, feel, remember, or whatever? I'm feeling that today. It's almost an axious feeling that I need to pray for a friend of mine. I have, but I still feel it. I don't know.

God whatever it is that you need me to be doing, I think interceding, please give me the wisdom to do so. Lord, whoever it is that needs help, strength, wisdom, security, hope, whatever it is, God I pray you will grant it to them. Lord I know you love them and always want what's best for us, which means it's not always what we want. God grant this person the grace to accept it and the strength to conintue in you.

God, if it's a tugging on my heart and attention you want from me, God I give it. Guide me Lord, speak to me God. You are my saviour and king. You are the everlasting Lord of all, the one with no beginning and no end. The one that confounds explaination. Yours is the highest kingdom of all.

Bless this day Lord. Be with us throughout it. Be here for us Lord, strengthen us, give us your wisdom. Help me to hear your voice and obey. Relieve the stress, make me bold where I should be and humble where it is needed. Give me the heart of discernment so that I can do your will. Thank you Lord.

Bless every person who reads this. God be with them all day long. And if they truely don't know you, show them your glory, your grace, your forgiveness and power. Give them the prick of love on thier heart that you give your children every day. Help them, and me, to feel your presence.

Thank you Lord.
I love you.
So-Be-It (Amen)

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