Wednesday, March 09, 2005

This Just Doesn't Make Any Sense!!

I just don't get it! If I were to have a bunch of people come to me and ask me a question about Christianity. . . let's say they ask if there is anything that can seperate us from the love of God, and I were to go to the Mormon Bible, the Koran, the sayings of Buddah or any other resouce besides the Bible, I would be looked at as a fool! Plus, I don't think God would look lightly on the fact that I would be misleading people, possibly His people, by using anyone's words but His to answer a question about Him!

I know, you say this would be stupid. No one would accept the answer I would give, simply based upon the SOURCES I was using, right? If they did, they're more misinformed that I would be to do this, or they are downright ignorant! Do you consider yourself one of these ignorant, uninformed people who doesn't care where the source of the information comes from, only that the information is given?

What is I were making a decision about car care? Instead of using a manual for the Ford car that's in question I was using one from a Totyota. how accurate of a decision would I be able to make? Toyota has no background in how Ford makes thier cars, why the very functions of the engine are vastly different. They run on the same gas, can go the same speed, can get one from here to there, but really, ask any mechanic, it would be foolish to use a Toyota manual to make a decision about a Ford car, much less try to fix it!

So why then are we, as Americans, allowing the Supreme Court to use "international" law to decide cases for us, Americans? Why would Justice Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice, be allowed to use international law on several occasions to make decisions for Americans?! What is the deal? Why is there not more outcry about this? Has the Constitution of the United States become so impudant that we must go outside the country for guidance on internal affairs? I'm sorry, I thought we were a sovriegn nation, not an internationally directed community!

It bothers me greatly when I look around and see the corruption of the court system. I fear it has gotten more than out of hand, it has gotten, in my opinion, treasonous! I see it as treason to ask a Russian to tell me what I should do for my country! I see it as treason to look to France to tell me how I should conduct myself in my own country! I see it as downright evil to look to any other country, that has no knowledge of my freedoms or the cost thereof, that has no concern for my coutry's welfare, to be used to make decisions about MY FUTURE, MY CHILDREN, MY AFFAIRS! Good night people! This was the whle point about seperating from England in the first place!! Freedom! Will the courts put us back under another country's rule? Technically they are already heading in that direction, and most people are applauding them for it!

Folks, don't let this continue. There has got to be something we can do. I feel either the law needs to be changed as far as Supreme Court Justices tenure, or the Congress need to get off thier hind quarters and get involved with stopping this Judicial Tyranny! Will we stay asleep to the far reaching ramifications of the court's decisions? Or will we stand up and say, "That's Enough!".

Here's one way to take some action. The American Family Association Online has a petition that they are putting together to compel the Senate Judiciary Comittee to question all those up for the Supreme Court on the issue of looking to the laws of other countries and international law to make thier decisions. At least then we will have the information BEFORE they get into thier seat, if they make it if this comes out. Please, take the time to get involved. You would be suprised at how little effort it really takes to make a difference.

Here's the link to the American Family Association Online petition for the Senate Jusdiciary Comittee. You can also look up your congreeman and senators and write them as well. It's not that hard to do!

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