Saturday, December 16, 2006

Talking to the deaf......

You know, sometimes we feel like no matter how hard we try, nothing seems to get across. We explain an opposing position to a friend that just seems to not be able to grasp the complexity of what were saying......or simply would rather say they don't understand than actually admit they are wrong, but that's not what I am talking about. Whether you're right or wrong, one does want to be validated at one point or another. One can't be wrong always......can we?

But I digress.

Here's my situation. I have a person who has put me in a place where I have been totally immobilized to move in any direction. I know, I'm talking cryptic here....
Okay a little background. There is one that wishes to exert their "control" in my life, but up until just recently they have been unable to do so. Now comes the recently....

There are people in my family that have always been around this person, they have existed with this person for most, if not all, of their lives. This person has been proven to be manipulative, controlling and conniving on many, many, many occasions by all those that I mentioned here. They have seen how this person will say things to "twist" the truth just enough to make things seem one way, when they are not remotely close to what is being said. Yes, this is called lying. But again, I digress.

This person has been proven to tell one set of people one thing and turn around and tell another set something totally different in order to keep the two at odds enough that they won't compare notes. I have witnessed this so many times it has grown routine in my mind for this person.

Even after knowing that this person does this on a regular basis, these people still fall into the trap of doing EXACTLY WHAT THIS PERSON WANTS! I know, I know it sounds foolish, but understand that this person is VERY good at what they do!

Now to my situation. I have been put into this position: This person has told my wife and I one thing about a set of my family, meanwhile he has told this set of family something totally different in such a way as to put them at a distance from us. Now the way that this person has set things into motion and because of circumstances that I don't dare speak of even here, if I were to approach this problem, this situation with any of those in the set of family that this person has talked with, I would look bad and possibly put my immediate family at risk of some major problems. Sounds like blackmail, and in a way it is. This person has so cleverly manipulated people that before I could figure out what was happening, all was lost. Now I am in a position that no matter what I do, I look bad. If I avoid these people, which is in essence what this person wants me to do, I look bad, if I don't then I will be telling this person that they have won and inadvertently tell everyone else that everything is fine. So, when the truth is finally revealed, and believe me it will be, I will look like a fool anyway. So, what do I do?

I don't know. I'm praying a lot! And I am also wishing that something, somewhere would come out to expose this person for what they really are, what they have really done, and make it bad enough that they would change.

But, that's probably a pipe dream. For now, I live with my immediate family, alone.

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