Monday, August 25, 2008 what was that again?

You know, when one has shared their home with other people for as long as I have, one forgets what it's like to have MY OWN HOME!!

I have been sharing my home with people for several months now. Before this I was out of a home, we had to leave our house early before our new house was ready to move in to, and my family and I were living with some family members in their home, while they got ready to move out and into their new home......are you starting to see what my family and I have gone through?

Now before we got into our home here, and after we had stayed in the house of some realatives, we needed a place to stay in the meantime. So we moved in with my wife's mother and her husband. This was fine for a short period of time, but then we found out that they were not only moving also, but their new house would not be ready by the time they were ready to move out so they needed a place to stay. They ended up coming to live with us. Fine....are you tired yet?

We ave now been in our home for two months, living with the in-laws and for a bit it was fine. Granted, we arranged our schedules so that they would be able to get ready and get going in the morning when and how they needed to, and granted we gave them the extra bathroom so I would be sharing the master bathroom with three women, my wife and two teen know what that means! And I know that I am being selfish in we completely changed the way we did things because they liked it a heck of lot quieter around the house than us, and they go to bed earlier than us, and wake up earlier than us, and wanted their own food stash, even though they were eating our food and having dinners with us that my wife made, and spending their money on stuff that they wanted and didn't need while contributing as little as they could to our financial burden they gave us while staying here......breath....I know I'm just simply being selfish and sensitive when I would get upset about them complaining that the girls left a plate with some food on it in the sink, or left a towell on the floor or we would forget something, or not do it how they liked it, or they would tell us we were doing our daughters an injustice by homeschooling them, or any of the other complains, comments, etc. that would utter from their mouths!!

But I digress...

Now, to add to the frivolity, we have another one of our freinds staying with us now. Her and her four children. I will say thins, I love them all, but I swear if I have to tell the girls to be quiet again or if the mom comes home and decides to slam doors and be loud after precious mother-in-law has gone to bed, I WILL KILL THEM!!

It's enough to have this many people in the house, it's quite another to have them being as inconsiderate as this. I am so tired of the lack of consideration that goes on. My wife wants to downplay it. I don't because I am the one mother-in-law talked to, I'm the one who knew the moment she walked in the door slamming and yelling that there was going to be at the very least a comment given. This is not their house, it's mine!

I know, I can hear my wife talking to me saying how I just need to suck it up, shut up, ride it out, etc., etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.......

It's just friggin' aggravating!