Monday, March 16, 2009

Dear God....

Dear God,

First off, let me ask the question of “where the heck have you been”!? You know for the last two years or so, really more, my family and I have experienced one hardship after another and it seems to me that you have gotten to the point where you don’t seem to care anymore. What’s the deal?

We were in California for quite some time and at first it seemed like you wanted us out there, but I have to wonder why. Why would you want us in a place where suffering and pain are our buddies and depression always seems to be coming to visit?! We had friends and family totally abandon us, we had people take advantage of us and ultimately, those folks that were staying with us, when they left, they stole all our food for crying out loud! They didn’t pay any rent, they had free internet, at our expense, free food, and I even fixed their stuff without ever asking for anything in return. They came to stay for 10 days and ended up staying for months! It was miserable! And you just sat there and let it happen! WHY?! Where were you?

Now we move out here, again thinking you’re in control, you know what you’re doing and we trusted you. For the last four months I struggled to find a job, for four months you did nothing! We were a part of what we thought was a great church, but then all the problems started. Not only did that church reject my friends, but they openly would contradict your word and had no clue how to discipline anyone! It was chaos! We ended up leaving in the way we thought you wanted us to leave, again thinking we were following your will, and yet no one EVER contacted us again! They said they were our friends regardless of what happened….what a bunch of liars! Then my mom finds out she has breast cancer and has to suffer through the pain of surgery and recovery. Of course she still get’s to face kemo-thearpy, oh that sounds like fun, but where are you in all of this? Why did you let that happen? Why did you have to allow my family to suffer so?

I’m tired, I’m downright sick and tired of being abuses, used, and thrown away when supposedly, your people, are through with me and my family! So, here’s to you God, great job! Good thinking with the whole moving thing and oh, I have to admit, turning the entire family, well most of it, against us was just a great addition to the already painful wounds we suffered. Yeah, that worked out to some great salt in the wound there!

Oh yes, and having to leave our pets with a total stranger out there right at the end really helped everyone look forward to the move out here in to “no-man’s land” Colorado!

Thanks for nothing!

Peter’s Flesh


We grabbed this letter before Flesh could mail it so we could put in what we needed to as well.

Hey God, this is Peter’s soul here and I just wanted to make sure that you understood that Mr. Flesh there doesn’t speak for the rest of us here. Conscience, Spirit and I thought it might be a good idea to add to the letter and let you know what our observations have been.

First off let me say that it has been a trial, and it has seemed like one after another. Sometimes the world can seem like an incredibly cruel and lonely place. When we were going through the events of the last few years I will be honest there were times that we did not see your hand, but always had the hope and assurance that it was there. AS far as the state of the word itself, we know that it’s fallen and as you said, “it rains on the righteous and the unrighteous”. I will admit it’s not the nicest prospect, but seems to be logical and ultimately just.

During our time in California that Flesh seemed to be so eloquently referring to, we did have some hard and difficult times with family and friends. But looking back I can see your hand moving through the events time and time again. You taught us about boundaries, you gave me the strength to say “no” and to stand up for my family even when it would have been easier to sit and let things happen, as I have to admit I have done many times in the past.

You showed us that we should rely on you and only you. Through you we get our value, our definition, our purpose and meaning. I can’t get that through a job, through friends or even through family. You showed me the value of focus, you showed me how to not compromise on the values and ethics that I believe so strongly in and that you have taught me.

You used these miserable people to show us the value and joy we can have in our family as a unit. You showed me just how good of a job I am able to do with you in my life and how wonderful a family you have given me. You have shown me through this time of trial what a wonderful, gracious and patient God you are. You also showed me that justice is not always something I should be seeking and that grace is the prime goal of what a “real” disciple of Christ should be.

You showed us, granted the hard way because of OUR choices, how to love those who are, in the world’s opinion, unlovable. Through the hardships and loss you showed us how much we really have, just in you and each other as a family unit.

I know that many have told me that this is not important and that you may not see this of any value, but I know better. Through your word you have revealed to me that what I see as important in life, you value and see as important as well. Those things that affect my heart effect yours as well. Leaving the dogs we had was a painful thing, I will admit that. But I know it was for the best and since I know, through an email we received from the new owner, that they are doing well and it has worked out to be a good home for them.

We know that the world is a fallen one, as I had mentioned before, and we know that it’s not “your will” that my mother has breast cancer, but I do know that you are the great physician and that “all things work for the good” for those of us who are your children. I know you are here and I know you are holding my mother in your arms and loving her through this whole trial. No matter what the "reason", if there really needs to be one with the world the way it is, I trust you and will rely on you for my strength, and her's as we weather this storm.

Granted we have other struggles and Flesh does get in the way from time to time. Right now we are having the whole debate on the fact that you CAN do anything but WILL you do anything….you know how that goes. I say that you already have done so much that it’s overwhelming; Flash just wants to focus on all the negative problems and trials, instead of looking at the outcome. You never said we wouldn’t have trials or problems, but as keep reminding Flesh, you DID promise that the outcome would be good. He is relentless!

So, in deference to Flesh’s assessment and opinion on the matter, we thank you for the difficulties, trials and hardships and thank you for your grace, mercy and patience which ultimately was sufficient for us through this trying time. We know that you will be here with us through whatever the future holds. Please forgive us for allowing Flesh to rear his ugly head from time to time. He just seems to be able to get out of that grave we keep putting him in with the “old man”. We were going to have a funeral for him, but figured nobody would come. And anyone who would come to it wouldn’t be worth inviting anyway! LOL!

Right now we have Flesh locked in a coffin using bands of love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. We also caulked up all the open cracks with hope and assurance, just for good measure. I know he will figure out some way of getting back out, but well be ready for him. Forgive us for what he says and does at times. Conscience says he will work with Holy Spirit to let us know when he’s back.

Thanks again for your incredible sacrifice that changed the world, and more importantly changed me heart and allowed me the opportunity to write this to you.

Also, as you know, this fight will most likely go on and on, sometimes we will get the chance to write something, other times Flesh will get his way and some pretty nasty things will go out to you. Either way, thanks for your grace and mercy during those times.

Love you!

- Peter ( Soul – you know us all! Including that jerk Flesh….. )

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