Friday, June 18, 2010

Goodbye Church

Ya know, its sad. Very sad. Unfortunately at this point it's true. I can understand and identify with those who have been so abused and hurt by those in the church that they would never set foot in one again. I've gotten so close that it feels I might never be able to do it myself.

Over and over again we have been slandered, taken advantage of, lied to, verbally beat up, manipulated, used, scorned, accused based upon gossip, hear-say, false information and rejected for trying to do the right thing and do what we see God telling us to do.

These people who have claimed to be my "friends' use scripture against me that they do not hold themselves to, nor do they encourage others to live by either. These "trusted" individuals that put themselves on pedestals of arrogance, do things in the name of God, yet look for any opportunity to profit. I was told from one that God had told him to do something, then this same person attempted to hold this thing over my head as me "owing" him something. My thought...."I thought God told you to do this? If not, then you did it for yourself with God's money and He will deal with you on this."

Now, my family has been falsely accused and threatened with being slandered across the churches here in my town. Is this Christ's love shining though? Is this the proper application of Matthew 18? Is this what the Bible says, do what we, man, says "or else"?! They talk of Matthew 18, yet not one of our "accusers" have followed it. Not one has attempted to contact us, not one. So, should i submit to this mockery of, as they put it, "correction and restoration"? I don't think so.

So, yes, I can understand why people leave the church, completely, totally, never to set foot in one again. I understand that hurt, devastation, cruelty and malice. I can also understand my aunt when she said that "the church is the only organization that EATS it's wounded"! Te saying that I heard just recently rings true in this case - "The church would be great if it weren't for the people". Wow, that really hurts to see and feel that.

Right now I feel I can trust no one. I guess that's true.

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