Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Intimations of Immortality
What through the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.
And O, ye Fountains, Meadows, Hills, and Groves,
Forebode not any severing of our loves!
Yet in my heart of hearts I feel your might;
I only have relinquished one delight
To live beneath your more habitual sway.
I love the Brooks which down their channels fret,
Even more than when I tripped lightly as they;
The innocent brightness of a new-born Day
Is lovely yet;
The Clouds that gather round the setting sun
Do take a sober colouring from an eye
That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality;
Another race hath been, and other palms are won.
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.
New Beginning - Start Over
From Tuesda, July 27, 2004 - 10:00am PST
A new beginning to a new day.
Here it is another week starts and another day dawns. New attitudes and new opportunities begin again in a never ceasing round. No, I'm not depressed or anxious, or even down today. I'm looking into a wide open future that bekons to me with excitement and the unknown adventures of the "new". I can see a different color sky, the sun shines a different shade of yellow, and the grass is no longer greener on the other side, especially since I found out it's artificial turf over there....LOL! Anyway, I have new motivation and clarity I have not had for some time and it encourages me to explore new understandings and new ideas with a furvor or anticipation. I think, see and feel clear. A new focus is here and I want it to stay. I will work for it to stay.
Those of you who read this, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to share a part of my being, my day, my world and my heart. Though you may not understand what I say, you are still there as a reminder that no one should or ultimatey can stand alone. Thank you.
May your world be as clear and rewarding as I am anticipating mine to become.
Thinking . . . Grrrrrr!
From Tuesday, July 06, 2004 08 00 AM PST
You ever just sit and wonder what the heck is going on? I mean here I am, a white, Christian, Conservative Male, living in the United States of America . . . . I guess I might as well have a target on my back! What is the deal? I can not understand how we as a society got to where we are. We can't be conservative because what is "right" for you might not be what's "right" for me...Riiiight! One can't be Christian because anything you say, do or put on your bumper sticker is construed as "hate-speech". The term "freedom of religion" has taken now to mean "freedom FROM religion". Litening to these people say that "the white man is the devil" and "these white supremists...". What did I ever do to these people? How is it that it's fine and okay for these very confused and angry people, who represent a very small portion of society, to use sweeping generalizations that have to do with my race, yet if I talk about my beliefs, those values I hold dear, or if some fool out there who happens to be white says some racial joke, it's wrong? This just doesn't make any sense. Why is it so important for homosexuals to not only have the same rights as everyone else, but better rights based on thier behaviour and not on anything else. Shoot, if that's all it takes to get extra rights then I should be able to do as I please and get the governement to give me all sorts of benefits! It's just all foolishness! It's getting out of hand.
Oh I know, I know, I'm making a lot of you who might read this angry and may get a lot of flack over it, but you know, I still have the freedom to express MY views, just like anyone else. I have the RIGHT to freedom of speech and religion, even though those both are under attack. I still believe and know that marriage is the union between one mand and one woman, irreguardless of what anyone "thinks". Remember they are trying to REDEFINE marriage, we are trying to PRESERVE what marriage is. We're not trying to take anything away from them, they ahve the same rights as anyone else under law, they just want more rights. It was interesting to me that in San Francisco, two men going to college decided to get married to take advantage of the benefits married couples get. These two men were not and are not gay. This caused an aweful outcry from the homosexual community. Why? Isn't this what they want, isn't this what it's all about? I wish they would make up thier minds.
Oh man! I am ranting aren't I? Sorry, I will stop now and let it rest. I know I will get flack from some of you and there may be those who will outright reject me as thier friends. That's okay. As many of you have put in your profiles, you wish to be accepted for who you are, without judgement. Well, I sincereley hope that you will not be the ones to reject me. It will be a good test as to who's going to be real and whose not. Not for me, mind you, but for you who might disagree with me or find what I say here to be offensive.
Well, on with the day.
You've Always Been There
Sorry, been away for quite some time....
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Truth is not the whim of some person's imagination. It's not popular throught, it's not a societal determination, most of the time truth is anything but popular. Truth is not the dictionary meaning which now allows one to determine thier own. It's not an "accepted" concept of reality, in fact it's usually very far from reality since reality has become one's interpretation of life situations.
If truth is not any of these things, then what is it? What is this thing that more people than should, say they possess? Truth is what changes people, times, concepts and reality. Truth is what is spoken by those not seeking to be popular, the ones seeking to be real. Truth is something that irreguardless of who it may offend, is. It's more than fact, yet it is not opinion. It's above laws, above leadership, and rank. Truth is what everyone, whether they know it or not, seek to find. Truth is not determined by questioning, like in a trial, for some times the truth is never found.
Truth is the determining and driving force for many laws we have. A person should not commit murder. Why? What reason os there for it? The truth of murder is that it is WRONG! There's no debate here, no question. If someone were to actually believe that it's okay to murder, they would have to be insane. Why do I say this? If a person said there's nothing wrong with murder, I guarantee you they would change thier mind as soon as it's them in the victim's role.
Truth determins what really is. Truth is undeniable. Many will reject truth and think then that something must not be true because they can "deny" whatever it is they are rejecting, but this just isn't so. Just like murder being wrong, many can reject the truth of it, but it doens't mean it's not true. Many can try to lie and thus "distort" the truth, but really what they are doing is distorting our view of the truth, not truth itself. truth will remain what it is...truth.
I may write more on this later. Please, if you are interested, leave a comment below. Thanks.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Switching Directions in 3D
I was looking at Maya for a bit, but where we were going to get it from has fallen through. Oh well, what are you gonna do? I'm looking at Animation Master. I could even run it from a laptop! We'll see what happens. This needs to be a good business decision. For only $299.00, it's not much of a risk.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Missing Valerie
The transition was harsh. The other girls at this group home were hardened, tough criminal like personalities that were nothing like our daughter. We spent many a night worrying and praying for deliverance. The nightmare grew. The longer she was there, the worse it got. There was even a time when one of the other girls had urinated all over her bed to "get back" at our daughter for some reason. Another time we received a call from her, she was crying. She explained that she feared for her safety. Several of the other girls had threatened her. It was becoming more and more unbearable. Is this what these foolish people thought would help? Is this "the best" for any child? Does the "state" really know what's best for the children in it, or is there a better choice?
I know this, so-called "home" turned a grateful, loving, and growing beautiful young girl into a thieving, kiniving, angry teen that was close to out of control. This poor creature was the victim of a couple of people who sought not the counsel of others, but relied on the arrogant, self-fulfilling, foolish so-called wisdom that is grounded deep in worldly philosophy and financial gain. What a waste of a life. I hold those who sent her to this place responsible for the outcome. After a time of her being in this place she was unapproachable. We, with tears in our eyes, had to leave her there on her own, we had lost her.
We miss her something fierce and hope she is okay. We think about her and pray for her regularly. She comes to my mind and I pray for her when I feel prompted to, knowing that God is taking care of her somewhere out there. If you get the inkling, pray for Valerie.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
The Aftermath....

In a force of calamity, need I wax rhapsodic, I find myself questioning the very nature of the judicial branch of this government. When the majority and law, dictated by that majority, no longer is valid or considered as viable for dictation of law, there is a great and frightening catastrophe ready to befall us. The very ideals and forced rhetoric that was the reason for our eventual rebellion and establishment of this country, now seems to be the very forces at work to re-establish that monarchy that so long ago was denied it's force here. What do we do? Is another great civil war on it's way? This time not fought on the field of battle, but with words and ideas? What will be the outcome, what will be the final charge and who will be doing the charging? Even those that sit in foolish caplacent silence will be roused in fury for or against what transpires in this great war. A war that has been on for quite some time. This war of transparent camaflouge that sits in front of a nation that does not, or matbe refuses to, see nor acknowledge it. Well, the time has come, as in any war that we see taking place "somewhere else" in the world and find it's way to our shores, a great awakening is taking place all over. Bewildered people desperately ask, "how did this happen?", "Why was I not told about this?", or foolishly look on with stunned disbelief wondering what it is they are supposed to do now. I and many others look at those in awe and ask, "How could you not see this coming? How could you sit there in stunned disbelief at something you simply have time and time again turned the channel or lowered the volume not to see. How many times have you taken for granted that 'someone' will do something about it. How many times have you thought, 'Well, as long as it doesn't happen here.'" Now with the very horror you refused to see, the very acts you refused to take action against, the very freedoms you fought for, and other died for, and continue to fight and die for, crumble at your feet, you now weep in your ingorance dispelled by the reality of what is happening. Pardon me for being so blunt, but where have you been for the last few decades!?
Monday, May 24, 2004
Thursday, March 04, 2004
A Movie To Remember
After the tears had subsided, and the numbness had wore off, I felt a great appreciation of the sacrafice that had been paid for me. A sobering reminder of the grace and love expressed through ultimate action. I had for so long took for granted the grace and forgiveness of my Saviour. I had flippiantly dismissed my sins as forgiven and forgot in such a manner as one tosses a used piece of paper. Now, after seeing such a true-to-life protryal of the real suffering and violent beating of my Saviour and King, I can no longer take any of these for granted, I can no longer look at my intentional rebellion as just that of a failure that can be explained away as "I'm only human". For even the "least" of sins, as man puts it, must be released and paid for through His suffering. even the smallest "white lie" that "doesn't hurt anyone", my Saviour had to die for. Before, I would dismiss it with a casual prayer of forgiveness. Now, I see my responsibility in nailing Him and beating Him, just because I selfishly want my way. What a fool I have been.
But I can't stop there, though. I can't stop with just the conviction. I have to talk of the incredible sense of unworthyness I feel at the price He so lovingly gave to me. I ask, even now today, after being a Christian for most of my life, "why?", why would He endure something so horrific for me? How can He see me as worthy of this incredible gift? The gift of freedom. Freedom to fail, freedom to succeed, freedom to love, and so much more. Meaning has changed for me in may areas. Worship is soo much more now. My daily reading means so much more in my persuit to really get to know my Lord. I look at my friends and business associates in a new light. I find myself offering silent prayers for people who I despised before, those "less desireable" individuals that I know Christ paid the price for as well. I find myself close to tears at the thought and memory of the visions that were displayed in the movie depicting the truth behind the suffering.
I tell anyone who asks about the movie that I have but one word to describe it and the experience I had in watching - "Overwhelming!" It's been over a week since I saw the film and still I have a hard time in holding myself together. My eyes still become watery, my stomach tightens and I feel an overwhelming sense of awe. The feelings and experience are such that, as I had said to one of the friends that attended with me, I hope and pray I never get over it. I hope and pray I never become numb to the reality of what took place such a long time ago. I hope and pray that at no point do I ever again take for granted the event that split time and chaged all mankind forever.
If you are reading this and have not done it already, please go and see The Passion of the Christ. It will change your world forever, for the better. You will be moved and inspired. If you are a Christian, show your support by going and seeing this movie. For more information, click on the title of the movie above or see the information below.
The Passion of the Christ - A film by Mel Gibson
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
What A Fool!
Now as if this was not enough, CBS News decided to continue the Mel bashing with thier "wonderful" photo essay on Mel where they throw in small jabs to show him as a politically incorrect film producer. I say GOOD FOR MEL!!
We need to pray that Mel's company will continue to grow and prosper, despite the fact that the liberal, left-winged "wackos", a Rooney term, are trying to crucify him, a Biblical term....
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Take a look here.