Tuesday, October 19, 2004

New Beginning - Start Over

From Tuesda, July 27, 2004 - 10:00am PST

A new beginning to a new day.

Here it is another week starts and another day dawns. New attitudes and new opportunities begin again in a never ceasing round. No, I'm not depressed or anxious, or even down today. I'm looking into a wide open future that bekons to me with excitement and the unknown adventures of the "new". I can see a different color sky, the sun shines a different shade of yellow, and the grass is no longer greener on the other side, especially since I found out it's artificial turf over there....LOL! Anyway, I have new motivation and clarity I have not had for some time and it encourages me to explore new understandings and new ideas with a furvor or anticipation. I think, see and feel clear. A new focus is here and I want it to stay. I will work for it to stay.

Those of you who read this, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to share a part of my being, my day, my world and my heart. Though you may not understand what I say, you are still there as a reminder that no one should or ultimatey can stand alone. Thank you.

May your world be as clear and rewarding as I am anticipating mine to become.

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