Thursday, January 12, 2006


There are times I just want to write. I just want to relay my thoughts in an interrupted flow of consciencness. But alas, this is not to be. Something, including my own thoughts wandering, get in the way and stop me.

There's a thing that got me thinking lately. It's called "The Truth Project", a seminar that teaches what "real truth" is. You know, I think it's a great thing, but I also think it's sad that even us who profess to have the truth don't know what we are talking about most of the time. I find it interesting that most of those I work with who profess to be "saved" are some of the most offensive people I have ever met. These people are the ones who cause people like me to have a bad name and look like hipocrites. Why?

The truth, let me get back to that. I find it interesting that people state they have thier "own view" on the truth. What the heck is that? Truth is like fact, either it is or is not. There's no interpretation of the truth. Like facts, they are not up for interpretation. They are facts. Putting facts together can lead one to a conclusion. But if everyone has the same facts and actually recognizes them for what they are, facts, no one could come up with any other conclusion but the truth! The truth is what really is, not what someone sees it is! That's like saying that your "version" of blue sky is not mine. That's stupid! Blue sky is blue sky, nothing else!

It's interesting that dictionaries seem to agree with this word meaning basically "what really is". It's also amazing to note that "the media" in general has no idea of this definition and has lost sight of the fact this is what they should be reporting. Instead we get a load of bias rhetoric by whoever may be the majority controlling power of whatever channel we are watching. Thus why I don't watch the news very often. What's the point? If I wanted to know somone else's opinion on something I would ask them. Not the newscaster, my friends or family. What there is left of that!

The truth project sounds like a great thing. Maybe it will actually get people to realize what the truth is. . . . . . . . okay maybe that's just too much to ask for!

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