Thursday, January 08, 2009

What the HECK!?!?

Okay, I am getting more than a little pissed!

Okay, I find out that my wife's grandfather just died and his side of the family had no intention of telling anyone. What a bunch of mindless jerks! This was the last of her grandparents, she has none alive anymore, even on my side they are all gone.

Let's couple this with the fact I still can't get a job and we are going on the third month!

Then we add in to the mix my mother found two lumps in her breast and the doctor confirmed that they were there. The doctor stated she should not lose any sleep over it and they would be doing a biopsy on Tuesday next week....but come on, breast cancer runs in her family, thus in mine!

Now let's get back to the whhole job thing. I have on my computer several sofware programs that I use on a regular basis. They are left overs from the places i have worked and they are professional grade. They just went nuts and are not working properly. . . . why not. . . . .

Without these programs I will be unable to edit or produce any more portfolio pieces. I think I am going to crawl under my bed and cry for a bit.

All of this, along with a bunch of other stuff, keeps making me want to question whether I was really supposed to move out here or not. I don't know......well, yes I do, at least I thought I did.

Why do we need to go through all of this again?! WHY?! How much more are we supposed to lose before it's enough?

My heart aches.

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