Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Collaborate on Google!

Here's my first shameless plug for Google. I have become a Google-a-holic of late, simply because of the amazing tools, applications and capabilities that Google has released out there. If you're not already doing it, you might want to find out what Google has to offer. These folks are already worrying Microsoft. I like that...LOL!

I talk to people everyday who are dying for a good collaboration tool. they look the internet over and see so many solutions at outrageous prices, that it completely and totally turns them off to every getting a good one. they get off the idea and go back the way they were doing things before. Now there are some good systems out there, but most people in my position where funds are lacking and the thought of having to update my computer to handle the new capabilities is more than a little daunting. Being a Googlite like myslef, I've found the solution.

Most of the time we are looking for a way to collaborate on documents. This is easily accomplished with Google Documents. It's a free service they have available for anyone with a Google account. One can create a document and then easily share it out with anyone else that has a Google account. there are some solutions for people who don't have Google accounts, but it's less secure. The collaboration tools in Google Docs is amazing. you can actually have two or more people editing the same document at the same time. Pretty cool, huh? And with the built-in chat feature you can keep up with the others editing or update someone who had just "joined" you in editing the document.

So, take a look at Google Documents. It's got some great features, great compatibility, fast, easy and the price is right....FREE!

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