Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Life as an adventure...............

There are times when I have to stop and think really hard about my circumstances and where I am at in life.

Right now I am over forty, I have two kids in their teens, in fact one in her late teens....YIKES! And I am in a job that barely would pay the rent, I have my wife's youngest brother living with us to help support us, as well as one of our cousins and her son, while her husband is deployed to Afghanistan. Again, this is really helping us to do more than survive. I am greatly thankful for all of this. This is not at all what I had imagined for myself at this time of my life. I thought I would be much more stable and have that "Dream job" that I had always wanted. Well, life doesn't always work that way, in fact, the longer I live the more I see that life doesn't work that way for most people. We will have opportunities from time to time to get ahead financially, or have a great family year with adventures and time together, or maybe even get a taste of that dream job for a few years. All of this is great, but when it comes right down to it, I have learned to train my mind to be content.

You know I heard the question "If nothing ever changed again in your life, would you be able to say to God, honestly, I am content, this is okay, I can exist here. I will tell you, up until pretty recient, I would not have been able to do that. I would not have been able to say, that it is okay of nothing ever changed.
 Now, I can say that I am much more trusting of God, I am much more content with my situation at home and I am getting better and better about my work situation as well. Granted I have to admit that I am not "satisfied" yet with my job as it is, but it does put food on the table and keeps us from being on the street. I am blessed and it's just another opportunity to be humbled and be prepared for whatever God has for me next.

Now I do have an opportunity that is presenting itself to me to move into another, and completely foriegn, area of work. I am both excited and nervous about it. Nover been in this area and was never really sure if it was an area I could ever survive in. But now here it is, it has great potential, great opportunity, and could turn out to be another huge bust if things do not pan out. But I will do as I have been, truest that God knows what's happening, He will guide me and He directs my path.

What an adventure life has become!

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