Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Ultimate in Bachelor Laziness.....LOL!

You know, having a bachelor in the house one gets a first hand look at the amount of laziness a bachelor exudes. It's amazing how little they want to do, how little they will do, if they can get away with it. It also get's pretty painful on the senses on how little they will bathe and take care of themselves physically.

Take a shower once in a while! You'll get more dates that way!!

Now I have seen many people taking advantage of the "bachelor" lifestyle in the past, but this one takes the cake. I have never seen anyone taking more advantage of the laziness of bachelors that The whole idea is so disturbing to me. I had to admit when I heard about it I couldn't stop laughing because I didn't think it was serious. Then I found out it was and I laughed harder. then it hit me, the real ramifications of this......

Okay, so here's the concept.....A guy can have t-shirts, socks and underwear delivered to his house, in the quantity or package he wants, every three months. Now I would hope that during this period of time the bachelor would take the time to wash them. But, as I have seen many times, this is most likely something that few will do with the prospect of more coming in the mail soon.

Here's what is even more disturbing to me though...what are they going to do with the other underwear, and I'm speaking generally now, that they are "finished" with? Where are all of these pairs of dirty socks, t-shirts that have the aroma of death and underwear, that I won't go into describing, going to end up? I mean, I thought the landfill smelled bad now! What will happen when all this goes on and these guys take advantage of this service?

I know, I know, it probably doesn't work that way, and most would only use it if they were destroying clothes on a monthly basis. But still, you have to know there will be some that will think; "Why wash, when I can just get new ones?"

Well, there's your disturbing thought for the day. Have a great one!

Laugh often!

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